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Showing posts from 2016

Tutorial: How to configure Xampp / Apache to serve Ring language files

Ring Language is a new programming language that brings good new features to the table. Simple, Very easy to read, Object Oriented, Smart garbage collector that puts the memory under the programmer control. you can use it for mobile or web or software development... See "Hello, World!" know more about ring from here -> Why Ring? Now lets go back to our tutorial..... How to configure  Xampp / Apache to serve Ring language files -Download Ring from here: Ring 1.0 for Windows -Download Ring's Web Library form here: WebLib 1.0 (CGI Library) -Download Xampp from here: Xampp -After installing, go to the installation directory then open this folder> xampp\apache\conf\ -Open this file with your favorite editor " httpd.conf " -Search for the lines: (CTRL+F) <Directory /> AllowOverride none Require all denied  </Directory> Change it to this : <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks Option